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What is Romance?


In the strictest academic terms, a romance is a narrative genre in literature that involves a mysterious, adventurous, or spiritual story line where the focus is on a quest that involves bravery and strong values, not always a love interest. However, modern definitions of romance also include stories that have a relationship issue as the main focus.

A modern romance would include:

  • The story of a character who keeps meeting the wrong type of people in his or her relationships or has run into a problem with a current love relationship.

  • The story would focus on the struggles the character faces while finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. The whole focus would be the relationship, although the character may also be dealing with other struggles, such as losing a job, handling difficult parents, etc.

These stories may be funny, sad, tragic, serious, or a mix. The obvious resolution to the conflict would be finding the right person or saving the present relationship.

Browse some the romance novels stocked at Moruya Books bellow. Can't see the one you want, give us a call or contact us via email and we'll see what we can do... Happy reading!!