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Aborigine Bark Painting

First Nations:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature


The Dhurga Dictionary and Learner's Grammar

The Dhurga Dictionary and Learner's Grammar

The Dhurga Dictionary and Learners Grammar: A South-East Coast NSW Aboriginal Language is an overdue and extremely valuable resource for the Dhurga speaking people of Yuin Country and of any person wanting to learn the traditional language. The Dhurga language is spoken from south of Nowra to Narooma and west to Braidwood and Araluen. This publication is the most concise compilation of the Dhurga language to date with over 730 words including informant and recorder details as validation of authenticity. The dictionary is user-friendly for all literacy levels and readers, it is the very first of its kind and in high demand.

G is for Gugunyal A Dhurga Alphabet Book

G Is for Gugunyal

A Dhurga Alphabet Book

G is for Gugunyal: A Dhurga alphabet book helps new speakers pronounce the 24 sounds used in Dhurga language. It complements The Dhurga Dictionary and Learner’s Grammar: A south-east coast NSW Aboriginal language.

Dhurga is one of four traditional languages of the south coast of New South Wales. It was spoken by Yuin (Yuwinj) people between Nowra and Narooma, and as far inland as Braidwood and Araluen. Our language connects us to our people and our physical world. Traditional languages are being reclaimed and spoken across Australia. Fragments of Dhurga were kept by Elders and in books. Dhurga was sleeping; but is now being taught, learned and spoken by Yuin people.

The beautiful illustrations help readers to learn the 24 Dhurga sounds. They also introduce important land and marine animals, and other creatures of the south coast that are part of local creation and dreaming stories, and Lore.

A QR code allows readers to hear the book’s Dhurga sounds and words spoken by a Yuin Elder.

The Welcome to Country Handbook

The Welcome to Country Handbook

The Welcome to Country Handbook by Professor Marcia Langton AO is your accessible introduction to First Nations Peoples, histories and cultures. Drawn from the bestselling Welcome to Country, this guide is essential reading for every Australian, and an excellent resource for cultural awareness training in the workplace or classroom.

The chapters cover precolonial and post-colonial history, language, kinship, knowledge, art, performance, storytelling, native title, the Stolen Generations, making a rightful place for First Australians and looking to the future for Indigenous Australia. A new introduction as well as a chapter on racism has been written especially for this handbook, and all information has been checked and updated.

Looking through these pages, photos and reading Professor Langton’s profound words, you will quickly appreciate how lucky we are to be the home of the world’s oldest continuing civilisation – which is both diverse and thriving in Australia today.